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Kegel Balls | Kegel Balls for Women | BEN Wa BALLS

Kegel balls are multipurpose devices that are mostly used for vaginal tightening, improving sexual pleasure, and improving sexual health. They are also referred to as Ben Wa Balls, jiggle balls, love balls, geisha balls, orgasm balls, pleasure balls, and Venus balls. These tiny weighted devices strengthen the pelvic floor by preserving its form and encouraging the strength of the vaginal walls. Enhancing the pelvic floor helps women give birth more comfortably, lessens pain throughout the process, and has many other health advantages.

How Do Kegel Balls Work?

Usually, tiny, weighted balls called kegel balls are introduced into the vagina. The pelvic floor muscles tighten as a result of the weight of the balls, thus working them out. Similar to how lifting weights builds other body muscles, this workout tones the muscles. Regular usage of Kegel balls can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles over time, supporting a variety of organs and enhancing pelvic health in general.

Different Kegel Ball Types

1. Single and Double Balls: There are two designs for Kegel balls: single and double balls. For novices, single balls are usually advised, but for more experienced users, double balls offer a more difficult workout.

2. Weighted Balls: To accommodate a range of skill levels, weighted Kegel balls are available in varying weights. When starting out, beginners should begin with lesser weights and work their way up to bigger ones as their pelvic floor muscles strengthen.

3. Kegel balls with built-in vibrations: Some Kegel balls have built-in vibrations, which adds an additional level of stimulation and pleasure. These vibrating balls are flexible for solitary or cooperative play because they may be operated manually or with a remote control.

Benefits of Using Kegel Balls

1. Vaginal Tightening and Pelvic Floor Strengthening: Kegel balls are intended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, rectum, and small intestine. This results in vaginal tightening and strengthening. Incontinence and prolapse are avoided by women who have a robust pelvic floor because it helps them regulate their bowel and bladder movements. Women can improve the stimulation of their sexual organs and have better sex when they use Kegel balls on a regular basis.

2. Enhanced Sexual Pleasure: Kegel balls have several health advantages, but they can also greatly raise libido and sex desire. The balls are a great tool for enhancing sexual enjoyment because of their delicate weight and movement inside the vagina, which may be a tremendous turn-on.

3. Better Spinal Stability and Physical Posture: Pelvic floor muscle strengthening can result in enhanced spinal stability and better physical posture. This extra strength helps with typical problems like the tendency for many women to urinate while sneezing.

How to Use Kegel Balls

1. Preparation: Inspect Kegel balls for damage or cracks prior to using them. To prevent infections, use quality hand sanitizers when washing your hands and the Kegel balls. Lubricate the balls well to guarantee a seamless insertion.

2. Insertion: While maintaining a straight posture, carefully slide the balls into your vagina, leaving the cord hanging loose. If you experience any pain or discomfort, take the balls out and cautiously try to re-insert them. If the pain continues, take them off right away. The balls need to be painless and comfy.

3. Duration of Use: Avoid using Kegel balls for longer than four to five hours at a time. Your pelvic muscles may experience needless tension if you use them excessively.

4. Removal: Lay down and moisten the vaginal region in order to remove the balls. The balls should come out with ease if you pull the rope gently. Don't worry if it takes some time for the balls to come out; they won't disappear or become lodged in your vagina. Squats, powerful jumps, and coughing might also aid in the balls falling out.

The Safety Measures to Take When Using Kegel Balls

Menstruation: To prevent pain and possible infections, avoid using Kegel balls throughout your menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy: Before using Kegel balls, discuss your pregnancy with your doctor. In general, they are not advised if you are recovering from childbirth or if you are pregnant.

Urinating: Take out the Kegel balls before urinate to avoid discomfort or interruption.

Material Safety: Steer clear of Kegel balls composed of porous materials, as these materials have the potential to harbor bacteria and raise the risk of infection. Choose medical-grade silicone balls that are non-porous.

Hygiene: To ensure good hygiene and avoid infections, always clean your Kegel balls before and after each usage.

Tips for Safe Kegel Ball Use 

1. Begin Modestly: If you're not familiar with Kegel balls, begin with shorter sessions and progressively extend them as your muscles become more powerful.

2. Use lubrication: To ensure comfortable Kegel ball insertion, always use a water-based lubrication. Lubricants with silicone bases should be avoided as they may harm silicone Kegel balls.

3. Listen to Your Body: Pay heed to the cues that your body gives you. If you feel pain or discomfort, take a pause and take off the Kegel balls. Seek advice from a medical expert if pain continues.

4. Preserve Hygiene: Make sure your Kegel balls are completely clean before and after each use. To make sure they are bacteria-free, wash them with warm water and mild soap or use a specialized toy cleaner.

5. Prevent Overuse: Refrain from using Kegel balls for longer than four to five hours at a time. Overuse of them may result in soreness and muscular exhaustion.

 Kegel Balls and Relationships Over Long Distances

Kegel balls can give long-distance relationships a spicily new twist. Even while you're apart, you can use them to make sexual jokes about your spouse. To maintain the sexual tension and excitement, you may wear them to a restaurant or party and tell your partner about your encounter.

Changes and Accessibility

Kegel balls are available in a variety of sizes and weights to accommodate both novice and expert users. A variety of Kegel balls composed of silicone that has been medically proved to be 100% waterproof are available at Cupidbaba.com. They're a terrific complement to your sexual wellness practice because of their ergonomic shape, which guarantees optimal comfort and enjoyment.

Lastly, some thoughts

Ben Wa balls, often known as Kegel balls, have many advantages over just providing sex. They enhance sexual sensations, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and improve physical posture. But in order to guarantee a secure and pleasurable encounter, it is crucial to utilize them appropriately and take all required safeguards. Kegel balls can be a useful tool in your armory for sexual wellness, whether your goal is to enhance your sexual health or inject some excitement into your long-distance relationship.

Visit Cupidbaba.com to browse a large assortment of premium Kegel balls and select the ideal one for your requirements.

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