
Why And How To Watch Porn With A Partner: Complete Guide For Couples

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Why And How To Watch Porn With A Partner: Complete Guide For Couples 30

Why Should You Watch Porn With a Partner?

The benefits of watching porn with your partner are multiple. According to some studies, couples that watch porn together are happier.

Why And How To Watch Porn With A Partner: Complete Guide For Couples

If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, you’ve probably learned about your partner's turn-ons and turn-offs; therefore, know what exactly excites them. If you want to play it safe and stick with the things that already make you hot and in the mood in the bedroom, it’s okay. But if you’re looking for a fun way to bring a new perspective into your sex life and get mind-blowing sex, this is the right article for you. Here, we’ll discuss how you could use watching porn and Vr Pornsites in your favor and add a bit of excitement to the relationship.

Do not worry; we will not judge you in this article, but we will help you spice things up in the relationship or marriage. Let’s see how and why you should watch porn with your partner.

How to Watch Porn With Your Partner?

This might come off as an unexpected request from your partner, but you need to keep an open mind and understand why they ask you to watch porn with them. Do not jump to conclusions immediately, but take time to process it and only respond after you've thought about it.

To help you make that decision, we’ll discuss the steps you need to take before watching porn with your partner.

  1. Discuss Your Feelings

Before you buy the tape or play the video, always discuss it with your partner. This is crucial so you know how they feel, whether they like the idea of watching a sex act of somebody else as an incentive to get excited, etc.

First of all, discuss why you want to share this experience. Is it because you want to communicate your fantasies to your partner? Or use it as a method for becoming closer? Whatever the reason, think about how you’ll communicate it to your partner and be clear on what you want from the entire experience.

If you’re indecisive about it, try other methods, like checking out webcam sites and seeing how the models behind the screens behave and talk with their fans. Or, see these best porn OnlyFans accounts to get an idea of the content these models produce.

OnlyFans is an adult platform where content creators create exclusive content that their fans can access through subscriptions. It’s a great idea to get started.

Copyright: Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash I License: CC0 Public  Domain

  1. Discuss Your Desires

Another step of the journey is to discuss your fantasies and desires. If you’re not into porn at all, it’s better to inform your partner as soon as possible rather than lead them on. If you don’t want to watch porn with your partner and you don’t know how to tell them, try explaining why you don’t want it and how it would make you feel.

But, if you would like to watch it together, this might come off as a surprise. If you’re in a monogamous relationship, bring the sex topic occasionally, so you know how your partner feels regarding specific topics. For example, you can’t tell your partner; “Let’s watch a threesome,” before you haven’t even discussed giving a blow job to him. That would come off as weird and unexpected.

Instead, ease the communication by talking about what you enjoy in the bedroom, what you would like to include more in the activities, whether you like the foreplay longer or shorter, etc.

  1. Take A Couple Of Scrolls Before The Real Deal

Keep things vanilla at first. Do not go into the hardcore if you are unsure if both of you are in for this type of experience. Scroll through free websites and check out the videos that seem appealing or fun, and find out whether it’s something that both will enjoy.

Explore the sites together, and create a list of the things you liked. Then, decide how you’ll watch it whether it will be on a TV, phone, or laptop. It doesn’t mean that both of you must stare at the screen and wait for the actors to finish. Try playing around and see what happens.

Copyright: Vidar Nordli Mathisen on Unsplash I License: CC0 Public  Domain

Why Should You Watch Porn With a Partner?

The benefits of watching porn with your partner are multiple. According to some studies, couples that watch porn together are happier. The main reasons why you should watch porn with your partner are:

  • It will enhance the foreplay;

  • You will learn more about your partner’s fantasies;

  • It’s something that both of you share;

  • Increase closeness;

Spice Things Up!

It’s time to spice things up and implement an effective boost to your relationship. According to sexual coaches, it helps to restore intimacy in the relationship and light up the spark. So, open your favorite browser and start searching for the type of porn both of you will like!

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